Our Testimonials

Customer Testimonials

"Thank you ever so much. I just received the tracking number for the paint, which I take to mean that you were able to get it done today, despite it being after your cut off. I appreciate your efforts and its been a pleasure dealing with you. It's a shame a lot more of our suppliers don’t follow your example!"

Helen Chapman7th November 2018

Customer Testimonials

"Just thought I’d let you know that the paint you sent last week was spot on again so thank you!"

Alex Brockway 3rd December 2018

Customer Testimonials

"Just a note to thank you for colour matching and remixing my Pebble Grey paints and also for putting the extra cans in my order. The colour match was perfect and the order was quick."

Philip Smith 2nd January 2019

Customer Testimonials

"Got my spray paints yesterday, applied today using a halogen heater to help it cure out. Even in the cold temperatures, it's gone on really nicely. Great job!"

John Kelly 31st January 2019

Customer Testimonials

"Thanks to DC Paint Solutions for sending me a pure white aerosol, it is a really good colour match. I have passed your information on to other workshops, thanks so much!"

Pete Thomas 15th February 2019

Customer Testimonials

"Darren at DC Paint Solution is accommodating when it comes to choosing the paint. The items we received are great, and the service we received was fantastic!"

David Knight 15th March 2019

Customer Testimonials

"Firstly thankyou. Yesterday I received the paints. I haven’t tested the blue yet but the sample looks very good. The grey is pretty much spot on but haven’t completed finishing coats yet.

I’m not sure if you still have my cc details to charge the paints to or if you will need them again? I’m not around too much today and probably would be better trying to get hold of me before 12 noon today if you need to.

Great job on this I’m very pleased."

Simon Watts 12th April 2019

Customer Testimonials

"Just a quick one to say thanks for sorting that paint for me, great service."

Aaron Dunning - Reproflex 3 Ltd & Sample-it 1st July 2019

Customer Testimonials

"Congratulations on the colour match it is absolutely brilliant the customer is over the moon. Can I order 15 cans to start with will no doubt be more to follow but this will give us an idea of how many we are likely to need."

Surface Master 11th July 2019

Customer Testimonials

"So nice to deal with a professional company. Breath of fresh air. We gave our spray booth away in the end as we have a space constraint but I am giving some of DC Paint Solutions' paint to the guy I’m giving it to. I’ve recommended DC Paint Solutions highly so hopefully he’ll buy some or if we sub to him we will be specifying your paint."

Stephen Donnelly 14th January 2021